Secure sensor and gateway platform based on ESP8266 and ESP32
Go to the documentation of this file.
10 #define _GWOUT_DUMMY_h
12 #if defined(ARDUINO) && ARDUINO >= 100
115 #endif // _GWOUT_DUMMY_h
bool loadConfig()
Loads output module configuration.
void configManagerStart(EnigmaIOTGatewayClass *enigmaIotGw)
Called when wifi manager starts config portal.
Main gateway class. Manages communication with nodes and sends data to upper layer.
Generic Gateway output module template.
bool nodeDisconnectedSend(char *address, gwInvalidateReason_t reason)
Send node disconnection notification.
GatewayOutput_dummy GwOutput
bool begin()
Starts output module.
onDlData_t downlinkCb
downlink processing function handle
std::function< void(uint8_t *address, char *nodeName, control_message_type_t msgType, char *data, unsigned int len)> onDlData_t
void loop()
Should be called often for module management.
bool saveConfig()
Saves output module configuration.
bool newNodeSend(char *address, uint16_t node_id)
Send new node notification.
enum GwOutput_data_type GwOutput_data_type_t
bool outputControlSend(char *address, uint8_t *data, size_t length)
Send control data from nodes.
void configManagerExit(bool status)
Called when wifi manager exits config portal.
bool outputDataSend(char *address, char *data, size_t length, GwOutput_data_type_t type=data)
Send data from nodes.
Library to build a gateway for EnigmaIoT system.
Key invalidation reason definition.
void setDlCallback(onDlData_t cb)
Set data processing function.