EnigmaIOT  0.9.8
Secure sensor and gateway platform based on ESP8266 and ESP32
File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 GwOutput_dummy.cppDummy Gateway output module
 GwOutput_dummy.hDummy Gateway output module
 GwOutput_mqtt.cppMQTT Gateway output module
 GwOutput_mqtt.hMQTT Gateway output module
 Comms_hal.hGeneric communication system abstraction layer
 cryptModule.cppCrypto library that implements EnigmaIoT encryption, decryption and key agreement fuctions
 cryptModule.hCrypto library that implements EnigmaIoT encryption, decryption and key agreement fuctions
 EnigmaIoTconfig.hParameter configuration
 EnigmaIoTconfigAdvanced.hParameter configuration
 EnigmaIOTdebug.hAuxiliary functions for debugging over Serial
 EnigmaIOTGateway.cppLibrary to build a gateway for EnigmaIoT system
 EnigmaIOTGateway.hLibrary to build a gateway for EnigmaIoT system
 EnigmaIOTjsonController.hPrototype for JSON/MSGPACK based controller node
 EnigmaIOTNode.cppLibrary to build a node for EnigmaIoT system
 EnigmaIOTNode.hLibrary to build a node for EnigmaIoT system
 EnigmaIOTRingBuffer.hLibrary to build a gateway for EnigmaIoT system
 espnow_hal.cppESP-NOW communication system abstraction layer. To be used on ESP8266 or ESP32 platforms
 espnow_hal.hESP-NOW communication system abstraction layer. To be used on ESP8266 or ESP32 platforms
 Filter.cppFilter to process message rate or other values
 Filter.hFilter to process message rate or other values
 GatewayAPI.cppAPI web server to control EnigmaIOT Gateway
 GatewayAPI.hAPI web server to control EnigmaIOT Gateway
 GwOutput_generic.hGeneric Gateway output module template
 haBinarySensor.cppHome Assistant binary sensor integration
 haBinarySensor.hHome Assistant binary sensor integration
 haCover.cppHome Assistant cover and shade integration
 haCover.hHome Assistant cover and shade integration
 haEntity.hDefines an entity for Home Assistant autodiscovery
 haSensor.cppHome Assistant sensor integration
 haSensor.hHome Assistant sensor integration
 haSwitch.cppHome Assistant switch integration
 haSwitch.hHome Assistant switch integration
 haTrigger.cppHome Assistant trigger integration
 haTrigger.hHome Assistant trigger integration
 helperFunctions.cppAuxiliary function definition
 helperFunctions.hAuxiliary function definition
 NodeList.cppEnigmaIoT sensor node management structures
 NodeList.hEnigmaIoT sensor node management structures
 timeManager.cppClock synchronisation calculations
 timeManager.hClock synchronisation calculations