Secure sensor and gateway platform based on ESP8266 and ESP32
Go to the documentation of this file.
20 #define TZINFO "CET-1CEST-2,M3.5.0/02:00:00,M10.5.0/03:00:00"
21 #define NTP_SERVER_1 "pool.ntp.org"
22 #define NTP_SERVER_2 "time.nist.gov"
29 static const int RATE_AVE_ORDER = 5;
30 static const int MAX_INPUT_QUEUE_SIZE = 3;
35 #define CONNECT_TO_WIFI_AP 1
36 #endif //CONNECT_TO_WIFI_AP
45 #endif // TIME_SYNC_PERIOD
49 #endif // PRE_REG_DELAY
54 #define ENABLE_WEB_API 1
57 #ifndef DEBUG_ESP_PORT
58 #define DEBUG_ESP_PORT Serial
59 #endif // DEBUG_ESP_PORT
static const unsigned int MAX_NODE_INACTIVITY
After this time (in ms) a node is marked as gone. Setting this to 0 means imfinite.
static const time_t IDENTIFY_TIMEOUT
How long LED will be flashing during identification.
static const uint8_t COMM_ERRORS_BEFORE_SCAN
Node will search for a gateway if this number of communication errors have happened.
static const uint8_t ENIGMAIOT_PROT_VERS[3]
EnitmaIoT Version.
static const uint32_t TIME_SYNC_PERIOD
Period of clock synchronization request.
static const unsigned int QUICK_SYNC_TIME
Period of clock synchronization request in case of resync is needed.
static const int NUM_NODES
Maximum number of nodes that this gateway can handle.
static const uint32_t PRE_REG_DELAY
Time to wait before registration so that other nodes have time to communicate. Real delay is a random...
static const uint32_t POST_REG_DELAY
Time to wait before sending data after registration so that other nodes have time to finish their reg...
static const unsigned int MAX_KEY_VALIDITY
After this time (in ms) a node is unregistered. Setting this to 0 means imfinite.
static const int16_t RECONNECTION_PERIOD
Time to retry Gateway connection.
static const uint16_t DOWNLINK_WAIT_TIME
Time to wait for downlink message before sleep. Setting less than 180 ms causes ESP-NOW errors due to...
static const uint8_t DEFAULT_CHANNEL
WiFi channel to be used on ESP-NOW.
static const int RESET_PIN_DURATION
Number of milliseconds that reset pin has to be grounded to produce a configuration reset.
static const uint32_t FLASH_LED_TIME
Time that led keeps on during flash in ms.
static const size_t MAX_MQTT_QUEUE_SIZE
Maximum number of MQTT messages to be sent.
static const uint32_t DEFAULT_SLEEP_TIME
Default sleep time if it was not set.