EnigmaIOT  0.9.8
Secure sensor and gateway platform based on ESP8266 and ESP32
Macros | Variables
EnigmaIoTconfig.h File Reference

Parameter configuration. More...

#include "Arduino.h"
#include "EnigmaIoTconfigAdvanced.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


#define TZINFO   "CET-1CEST-2,M3.5.0/02:00:00,M10.5.0/03:00:00"
 Time zone. More...
#define NTP_SERVER_1   "pool.ntp.org"
#define NTP_SERVER_2   "time.nist.gov"
 Enable sending status message after every data message. More...
#define CONNECT_TO_WIFI_AP   1
 In projects where gateway should not be connected to WiFi (for instance a data logger to SD) it may be useful to disable WiFi setting this to 0. Set it to 1 otherwise. More...
#define ENABLE_WEB_API   1
 Enable Web API support on gateway. More...
#define DEBUG_ESP_PORT   Serial
 Stream to output debug info. It will normally be Serial More...
 Possible values VERBOSE, DBG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, NONE. More...


static const uint8_t ENIGMAIOT_PROT_VERS [3] = { 0,9,8 }
 EnitmaIoT Version. More...
static const uint8_t DEFAULT_CHANNEL = 3
 WiFi channel to be used on ESP-NOW. More...
static const uint32_t FLASH_LED_TIME = 30
 Time that led keeps on during flash in ms. More...
static const int RESET_PIN_DURATION = 5000
 Number of milliseconds that reset pin has to be grounded to produce a configuration reset. More...
static const unsigned int MAX_KEY_VALIDITY = 172800000U
 After this time (in ms) a node is unregistered. Setting this to 0 means imfinite. More...
static const unsigned int MAX_NODE_INACTIVITY = 86400000U
 After this time (in ms) a node is marked as gone. Setting this to 0 means imfinite. More...
static const size_t MAX_MQTT_QUEUE_SIZE = 3
 Maximum number of MQTT messages to be sent. More...
static const int RATE_AVE_ORDER = 5
 Message rate filter order. More...
static const int MAX_INPUT_QUEUE_SIZE = 3
 Input queue size for EnigmaIOT messages. Acts as a buffer to be able to handle messages during high load. More...
static const int NUM_NODES = 35
 Maximum number of nodes that this gateway can handle. More...
static const int16_t RECONNECTION_PERIOD = 1500
 Time to retry Gateway connection. More...
static const uint16_t DOWNLINK_WAIT_TIME = 350
 Time to wait for downlink message before sleep. Setting less than 180 ms causes ESP-NOW errors due to lack of ACK processing. More...
static const uint32_t DEFAULT_SLEEP_TIME = 10
 Default sleep time if it was not set. More...
static const time_t IDENTIFY_TIMEOUT = 10000
 How long LED will be flashing during identification. More...
static const uint32_t TIME_SYNC_PERIOD = 30000
 Period of clock synchronization request. More...
static const unsigned int QUICK_SYNC_TIME = 5000
 Period of clock synchronization request in case of resync is needed. More...
static const uint32_t PRE_REG_DELAY = 5000
 Time to wait before registration so that other nodes have time to communicate. Real delay is a random lower than this value. More...
static const uint32_t POST_REG_DELAY = 1500
 Time to wait before sending data after registration so that other nodes have time to finish their registration. Real delay is a random lower than this value. More...
static const uint8_t COMM_ERRORS_BEFORE_SCAN = 2
 Node will search for a gateway if this number of communication errors have happened. More...

Detailed Description

Parameter configuration.

German Martin

Definition in file EnigmaIoTconfig.h.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define CONNECT_TO_WIFI_AP   1

In projects where gateway should not be connected to WiFi (for instance a data logger to SD) it may be useful to disable WiFi setting this to 0. Set it to 1 otherwise.

Definition at line 35 of file EnigmaIoTconfig.h.


#define DEBUG_ESP_PORT   Serial

Stream to output debug info. It will normally be Serial

Definition at line 58 of file EnigmaIoTconfig.h.




Definition at line 62 of file EnigmaIoTconfig.h.



Enable sending status message after every data message.

Definition at line 28 of file EnigmaIoTconfig.h.


#define ENABLE_WEB_API   1

Enable Web API support on gateway.

Definition at line 54 of file EnigmaIoTconfig.h.


#define NTP_SERVER_1   "pool.ntp.org"

Definition at line 21 of file EnigmaIoTconfig.h.


#define NTP_SERVER_2   "time.nist.gov"

Definition at line 22 of file EnigmaIoTconfig.h.


#define TZINFO   "CET-1CEST-2,M3.5.0/02:00:00,M10.5.0/03:00:00"

Time zone.

Definition at line 20 of file EnigmaIoTconfig.h.

Variable Documentation


const uint8_t COMM_ERRORS_BEFORE_SCAN = 2

Node will search for a gateway if this number of communication errors have happened.

Definition at line 51 of file EnigmaIoTconfig.h.


const uint8_t DEFAULT_CHANNEL = 3

WiFi channel to be used on ESP-NOW.

Definition at line 17 of file EnigmaIoTconfig.h.


const uint32_t DEFAULT_SLEEP_TIME = 10

Default sleep time if it was not set.

Definition at line 41 of file EnigmaIoTconfig.h.


const uint16_t DOWNLINK_WAIT_TIME = 350

Time to wait for downlink message before sleep. Setting less than 180 ms causes ESP-NOW errors due to lack of ACK processing.

Definition at line 40 of file EnigmaIoTconfig.h.


const uint8_t ENIGMAIOT_PROT_VERS[3] = { 0,9,8 }

EnitmaIoT Version.

Definition at line 16 of file EnigmaIoTconfig.h.


const uint32_t FLASH_LED_TIME = 30

Time that led keeps on during flash in ms.

Definition at line 18 of file EnigmaIoTconfig.h.


const time_t IDENTIFY_TIMEOUT = 10000

How long LED will be flashing during identification.

Definition at line 42 of file EnigmaIoTconfig.h.


const int MAX_INPUT_QUEUE_SIZE = 3

Input queue size for EnigmaIOT messages. Acts as a buffer to be able to handle messages during high load.

Definition at line 30 of file EnigmaIoTconfig.h.


const unsigned int MAX_KEY_VALIDITY = 172800000U

After this time (in ms) a node is unregistered. Setting this to 0 means imfinite.

Definition at line 25 of file EnigmaIoTconfig.h.


const size_t MAX_MQTT_QUEUE_SIZE = 3

Maximum number of MQTT messages to be sent.

Definition at line 27 of file EnigmaIoTconfig.h.


const unsigned int MAX_NODE_INACTIVITY = 86400000U

After this time (in ms) a node is marked as gone. Setting this to 0 means imfinite.

Definition at line 26 of file EnigmaIoTconfig.h.


const int NUM_NODES = 35

Maximum number of nodes that this gateway can handle.

Definition at line 32 of file EnigmaIoTconfig.h.


const uint32_t POST_REG_DELAY = 1500

Time to wait before sending data after registration so that other nodes have time to finish their registration. Real delay is a random lower than this value.

Definition at line 50 of file EnigmaIoTconfig.h.


const uint32_t PRE_REG_DELAY = 5000

Time to wait before registration so that other nodes have time to communicate. Real delay is a random lower than this value.

Definition at line 48 of file EnigmaIoTconfig.h.


const unsigned int QUICK_SYNC_TIME = 5000

Period of clock synchronization request in case of resync is needed.

Definition at line 46 of file EnigmaIoTconfig.h.


const int RATE_AVE_ORDER = 5

Message rate filter order.

Definition at line 29 of file EnigmaIoTconfig.h.


const int16_t RECONNECTION_PERIOD = 1500

Time to retry Gateway connection.

Definition at line 39 of file EnigmaIoTconfig.h.


const int RESET_PIN_DURATION = 5000

Number of milliseconds that reset pin has to be grounded to produce a configuration reset.

Definition at line 19 of file EnigmaIoTconfig.h.


const uint32_t TIME_SYNC_PERIOD = 30000

Period of clock synchronization request.

Definition at line 44 of file EnigmaIoTconfig.h.